Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

I am an “out of network provider” and do not accept insurance. Insurance companies require me to submit a diagnosis, which many of my clients do not have. Falsifying a diagnosis for reimbursement is considered malpractice. And insurance companies are notoriously intrusive – often dictating how many sessions someone can have and demanding notes (which includes sensitive information!) for review. I can provide something called a “superbill” that you submit to your insurance for reimbursement. For more information, please see below. I see therapy as a financial commitment for your emotional well-being. By not taking insurance, I can offer more flexibility and personalized services. Many clients use their Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flex Savings Account (FSA).

According to the Good Faith Estimate, No Surprise Act, all health care providers are required to give uninsured patients, those who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance, an estimate of the amount they will be billed for scheduled items or services or upon request for other non-emergency items or services. Anyone with or without insurance may also request a good faith estimate.

If you are uninsured:
You have the right to receive a good faith estimate of the amount you will be billed for scheduled or non-emergency items or services. The estimate should include costs for items and services anticipated to be provided with the visit, such as medical tests and hospital fees.

You are entitled to receive the estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your scheduled medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a good faith estimate before you schedule an item or service.

If you are insured:
You also may request a good faith estimate of the amount you will be billed for non-emergency items and services that you might like to schedule.

Whether or not you have insurance, if the estimate you receive for the anticipated items and services substantially exceeds the amount billed to you as your responsibility, you can dispute the bill.

Questions to ask your insurance:
- What is my co-insurance or copay for an out-of-network sessions?

- What is my out-of-network deductible and has it been met?

- What is my out-of-pocket max and has it been met?

- Do I need a referral from an in-network provider to see an out-of-network provider?

Where are you located?

I offer online therapy to residents of Maryland and Virginia. All you need is a good internet connection and a comfortable, private space!.

Do you work with teenagers?

Yes! I work with teens ages 14 and older. Additional family sessions can be scheduled when clinically appropriate.